Bobby Shell on High Income Earners F.I.R.E Podcast
Bobby was a guest on the High Income Earners F.I.R.E Podcast. He discusses Bitcoin and Real Estate as ideal investment vehicle. PODCAST: YouTube Link:
Analyzing Real Estate as an Investment with Bobby Shell
Had a blast talking with my friend Brian Harrington about Bitcoin and real estate. Chuck-full of knowledge from Brian and myself. You will truly enjoy this one!
SA395 | THE POWER DUO: Bitcoin Investing and Real Estate Cash Flow with Bobby Shell
Was a fun chance to chat about Bitcoin and real estate to a real estate audience. Most real estate investors do not realize that all of their investments, net worth, and value are due to the fact that rates are historically low and dollars are being printed more than ever. I break down why Bitcoin […]
Becoming a Limited Partner (LP) in Syndication’s – My Story
Becoming a Limited Partner (LP) in Syndication’s – My Story In November of 2016 I bought my first home. It was a leap I knew would be smart to help me find financial freedom long term. My wife, (then girlfriend) also bought her first home within 3 days of my purchase. We each had our […]
Why I am investing in Real Estate Syndications
I have had rentals for 2 years now. We recently sold our Fort Collins single family rental and we still have one rental in Pensacola Florida, where my family lives. These two properties have taught me a lot about how to analyze a deal, how depreciation works, how to build passive income streams, and the […]